Nicotine salts: more addictive than basic nicotine?
A Californian clinical study carried out in a hospital [...]
Vapo-smokers: study confirms the need to be an exclusive vaper
An American study of more than 790 vapor-smokers looked [...]
The electronic cigarette generally well received on social networks
A study carried out by the University of Buffalo [...]
Vape shops: 9 out of 10 give smoking cessation advice
A study carried out by researchers at the Keck [...]
Vaping is perceived differently by men and women
For the first time to our knowledge, a behavioral [...]
The aromas reinforce the attraction for the electronic cigarette but not the acute nicotine intake
A study from the University of Pennsylvania sought to [...]
Saving vapers versus saving smokers: an ethical dilemma
Is it better for young adolescents to start vaping [...]
Sweeteners in e-liquids: contents much higher than those of confectionery
A relatively unnoticed study by researchers at prestigious Yale [...]
Impact of the different constituents of e-liquids and equipment on the delivery of nicotine
Published by researchers at Yale University in the United [...]